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Columbus车架  转帖

发表于 2009-6-12 16:18:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
转帖:为何很多车架采用了Columbus就身价不菲了呢? Post By:2007-10-26 23:59:00

Columbus 在12岁时就学习冶金技术, 在当时的1919年就懂得相当丰富的经验, 所以他下决心在他的空闲时间, 去制造自行车部件,他的第一个顾客就是自行车制造商, 1931年, 以自己名字成立的公司正式生产自行车, 摩托车, 汽车, 飞机的管材和焊接工作, 1950年, Columbs正式成为上市公司, 他的儿子也参加了公司, 开始设计经典高档的款式. 当时公司有法拉利和MASERATI及LIN-CIA客户, 他最年轻的儿子ANTONIO为公司设计了商标, 最终公司走向顶级管料行列, 1977年他离开公司主席的位置, 把公司分离出来, 来专心参与管料制作, 公司建立以后实现了很多革新, 从1980年开始为MOSER制作, 1991年建造烙目网是个史无前例的成功, 1994年为比安奇设计管料, 1985年为山地车做管材, 2002年Columbus新产品SLR8R 7000铝材诞生. 2003年碳纤维技术开发成功, 开始SLR8R碳纤维生产, 公司的一系列碳纤维也都是为公路车锦标赛设. 他制造的顶级的管材最薄逹到0.5毫米, 世界上百分之六十五顶级管级材料都是Columbus提供的,他在管材制上给自行车带来历史上的创举. 自1930第一组自行车专用立管由Aelle, Tenax and Columbus.生产后,Columbus开始其辉煌的创新设计旅程.1977年自行车专用的渐细式螺旋状铁柱CYCLEX铁管由Columbus的NIVACROM系列推出.这也是Columbus卓越的创新设计之一. 借着Columbus的11款空气力学上管发明(AIR, 1980),帮助Moser破了其世界记录. MAX (1987) 则是突破传统的第一个立管架. 1991年由Nivacrom为材料做出的GENIUS管料则为Columbus带来空前的成功.
In the ‘30s, the first set of special tubes for bicycles were produced: Aelle, Tenax and Columbus.
Under the Columbus mark, the first reinforced tubes with a tapered thickness made of molybdenum chrome steel in the history of cycling appeared, as well as the first cold-rolled elliptical fork blades.
In 1977 the steering column with a tapered screw was introduced and CYCLEX steel was launched, specifically designed for cycling use, followed by NIVACROM, one of Columbus’ greatest innovations.. Before making a series of 11 totally aerodynamic tubes (AIR, 1980) Columbus placed its experience at the service of Moser for its Time Trial records, then passing through Oersted to Rominger. MAX (1987) was the first tube-set to break the tradition of conventional diameters.
The GENIUS (1991) tubing, made of Nivacrom steel, was an unprecedented success.
With the Cyber tube set (1994), and then with Genius mtb, Columbus began accumulating World Championship mtb victories
NEMO emerged in 1996 and is the most sophisticated expression of cycling engineering: from a study on stress applied to the frame, produced using a portable recording system
1999 Columbus introduces THERMACROM the most innovative cycling purposed steel: It gives incredible lightness and the most durable, high performance mechanical characteristics.
Year 2000, STARSHIP: a 6000 series aerospatial HT light aluminum alloy that will allow the lightest frames ever made together with the highest mechanical characteristics. Year 2001, Starship sets itself at the top becoming the reference point for any superlight, superstiff road racing or mtb frame.
Year 2002, Columbus launches XLR8R a new 7000 alloy. As good as Starship, XLR8R introduces the concept of Multi Shape Damping Effect.Year 2003, Custom made frames in carbon fiber are no longer a dream. Columbus introduces XLR8R Carbon, a serie of carbon tubes made for road racing competition.
2004, Columbus introduces Spirit. Steel is coming back in the cycling field with this innovative, high performance tube-set. In the mean time, the range of carbon fiber frame kits (rear stays and forks), widens and becomes a core business of the Columbus production.

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